Red Roses is an original oil painting by Cori Dyson. The art measures 10" x 8" and the frame measures...
Daffodils in a Vintage Whiskey Mug is an original oil painting by Cori Dyson. The art measures 10" x 8"...
Sewing Corner an oil painting by Martha Hayden. The art measures 18" x 12" and the frame is 18 1/2” x 12 1/2”, frame included.
Roses and Bird Nest is an oil painting by Karen Chamblin (West Virginia). The art measures 4 1/2" x 4 1/2"...
Into the Light an acrylic painting by Tykie Ganz. The art measures 2 1/4" x 3 1/4" and the frame is 4"...
Two and a Half Pairs is a miniature watercolor painting by South African artist, Eileen Bass. The art measures 1 3/4" x...
Home Alone is an oil painting by Debra Keirce (Virginia). The art measures 4" x 3" and the frame is 5"...
Motherly Love is a lacquered oil painting by Irina Kouznetsova. The art measures 10 1/2″ x 8 1/2″ and the frame is 14...
Story of the Farm is an original oil painting by Debra Keirce. The art measures 11 1/2″ x 7" the frame...
Salt Water is an original oil painting by Debra Keirce. The art measures 8″ x 6″ with the frame measuring 14...
Under the Sun is an original oil painting by Debra Keirce. The art measures 12″ x 12″ with the frame measuring ...
Blown Away is an original oil painting by Debra Keirce. The painting measures 22 1/2″ x 19 1/2″ with the ...
– Sold OutWindows on the World oil painting by William Crute. The art measures 14″ x 11″ and the frame is 21″...
Pennies & Plums is an original oil painting by Debra Keirce. The art measures 9 1/2″ x 11 1/2″ with the frame...
– Sold OutAll American (Cheeseburger) is an acrylic painting by Elizabeth Elgin. The art measures 7" x 5" and the frame is...
Skull & Pulley an oil painting by Connie Cruise. The art measures 14″ x 11″ ; frame: 20″ x 17″,...
The Mist is an original oil painting on board by Debra Keirce. The art measures 9″ x 7″ with the frame...
Rites of Spring an acrylic painting by Allan Jones. The art measures 16″ x 12" and the frame 23″ x 19″, frame...
Medici an acrylic painting by Allan Jones. The art measures 10″ x 8″ and the frame 14″ x 12″, frame...
The Angel and Tobias an acrylic painting by Allan Jones. The art measures 10″ x 8″ and the frame 14″...
A miniature watercolor painting by contemporary artist, Beverly Fotheringham. The piece measures 3" x 2" and brown wood frame is...
Minton Compote is a gouache painting by Lynn Ponto-Peterson. The art measures 8″ x 10″ and the frame is 15″ x 20″, frame included.
– Sold OutThe Blue Stag is a gouache painting by Lynn Ponto-Peterson. The art measures 8″ x 10″ and the frame is 15″ x 20″, frame included.
Japanese Lanterns oil painting by Martha Hayden is 24" x 20" ; frame: 25 1/4” x 21 1/4”, frame included.