Yellow, white or rose are the three different colors for gold used when creating beautiful pieces of jewelry. In its natural state, gold is soft and yellow, so how does it become white and rose?
Enameling is one of the oldest arts in the history of man. Enameling on metal is not difficult. However, it is an exacting art which demands careful attention to such details as cleaning, application and firing.
Artists have been painting on canvas since early in the 16th Century. The canvas is stretched tight over a wooden support which is commonly referred to as stretcher strips.
You have just acquired a beautiful new work of art and now it's time to hang it on the wall and enjoy it. So, what do you do next? Here are a few tips to help you enjoy your art.
Abstract art is a curious genre. Also known as nonobjective or nonrepresentational art, it typically represents ideas, concepts, things, and even people without definitive physical boundaries.
Etching is an old medium and was perfected in Germany during the first quarter of the 16th Century. The image for an etching is created on a metal plate.
As time passes and the world constantly changes, people gravitate toward certain artistic qualities to express their desires and fulfill their needs in those circumstances. Such qualities often crop up as trends in the art world that fine art collectors and experts carefully watch each year.